Rada Nadzorcza powołała w skład Zarządu American Heart of Poland Marcina Bruszewskiego. Od 8 września pełni również funkcję Prezesa Zarządu AHP Logistyka Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Katowicach. Marcin Bruszewski w ramach prac Zarządu w Grupie American Heart of Poland odpowiada za opracowywanie i realizację strategii Grupy w obszarze: strategii zakupowej, utrzymania infrastruktury, prowadzenia projektów, budowania działu logistyki i sprzedaży.
Marcin Bruszewski jest absolwentem Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego im. Jerzego Kukuczki w Katowicach, ukończył także Studia Podyplomowe na Górnośląskiej Wyższej Szkole Handlowej na kierunku Zarządzania Zasobami Ludzkimi (HR) oraz Studia Podyplomowe MBA organizowane przez Szkołę Główną Handlową w Warszawie we współpracy z University of Minnesota ze Stanów Zjednoczonych, gdzie uzyskał tytuł Master of Business Administration. Jego wykształcenie uzupełniają szkolenia z zakresu zarządzania projektami oraz zarządzania zmianą.
Posiada ponad 20-letnie doświadczenie zawodowe, zdobyte w globalnych firmach takich jak m.in. Philips, gdzie pełnił rolę Członka Zarządu oraz Dyrektora Generalnego, nadzorując obszar Health Systems Philips w Polsce, Czechach i Rumunii. Odpowiadał za pracę zespołu liczącego około 200 osób, realizującego doradztwo w zakresie wyboru oraz sprzedaż sprzętu medycznego dla szpitali. Pracował również dla takich firm jak: GSK Commercial, Hexal Polska, Bristol-Myers Squibb Mead Johnson Nutrition.
Marcin Bruszewski prywatnie jest pasjonatem sportu; jego aktywności obejmują między innymi bieganie, jazdę na rowerze, windsurfing, kitesurfing oraz narciarstwo.
Marcin Bruszewski appointed to the Management Board of American Heart of Poland S.A.
The Supervisory Board has appointed to the Management Board of American Heart of Poland S.A. Marcin Bruszewski, with effect from 8 August 2022. The appointment of the new person to the Management Board is connected with the dynamic development of the American Heart of Poland Group. Marcin Bruszewski has also served as President of the Management Board of AHP Logistyka Sp. z o.o., based in Katowice, since 8 September.
As part of the work of the Management Board in the American Heart of Poland Group, Marcin Bruszewski is responsible for the development and implementation of the Group’s strategy in the following areas: procurement strategy, infrastructure maintenance, project management, building the logistics department and sales.
The American Heart of Poland Group consists of more than 20 medical centres across the country, which offer comprehensive and modern medical care, integrating health education, prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation in the field of diseases of civilisation, in particular cardiovascular diseases.
Marcin Bruszewski is a graduate of the Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, he also completed postgraduate studies at the Upper Silesian School of Commerce in the field of Human Resource Management (HR) and postgraduate MBA studies organised by the Warsaw School of Economics in cooperation with the University of Minnesota in the United States, where he obtained the title of Master of Business Administration. His education is complemented by training in project management and change management.
He has more than 20 years of professional experience gained in global companies such as Philips, where he served as a Member of the Management Board and General Director, overseeing the Health Systems Philips area in Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania. He was responsible for the work of a team of about 200 people, providing advice on the selection and sale of medical equipment for hospitals. He also worked for such companies as: GSK Commercial, Hexal Polska and Bristol-Myers Squibb Mead Johnson Nutrition.
In his private life, Marcin Bruszewski is a sports enthusiast; he enjoys running, cycling, windsurfing, kitesurfing and skiing.
The American Heart of Poland Group (AHoP Group) is currently the market leader in cardiovascular services in Central Europe, providing more than 175,000 patients a year throughout the country with access to first-class medical procedures, mainly as part of their contract with the National Health Fund. The American Heart of Poland Group was established over 21 years ago on the initiative of doctors from Poland and the United States, and currently comprises multi-profile hospitals, departments of interventional cardiology and cardiac and vascular surgery, outpatient clinics, diagnostic laboratories and imaging diagnostic laboratories, the Ustroń Health Resort and the Research and Development Centre.